
Calavera - AVAILABLE - see "what's available" for details.

You know what? Skulls are a pain in the ass.

Seriously.  I lose more eggs making skulls than I do trying to carve anything else. For the record? Carve the mouth last. It’ll save you countless hours of frustration.  Trust me, here.

Another sugar skull.  Just egg and paint. No beads or sculpts or fancy bases.  The interior is a mottled teal with a tiny bit of gold lustre dust (not much but it’s there.) and the paint colors are teal and black, with sections of a yellow/orange/red gradient.  The center piece on the forehead is finished in metallic gold.  The egg has a dead matte finish.  It comes with the stand as shown (the stand is a lacquered deep red in a gloss finish) and is $150USD, plus shipping.


Here’s how it looks from all of the other angles:

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You can find it on the etsy store, or you can just fill out this handy form. Either way works.