Sleigh Ride

So as I type this, I have a fever.  I have no idea how I managed to finish this one up as fast as I did, but it’s done.




This is a basic pattern egg (single swirl) that I used to get a jumpstart on winter (which I never do, Im always behind.)  It’s a jumbo egg, with a midnight blue interior, and composite silver toned leaf on the swirl. The negative space has a simple pattern in a semi transparent pewter over midnight blue, with a glossy finish.  It’s the kind of thing that would look nice on a tree or a Hanukkah bush or hanging wherever you hang all your winter stuff and things.

Also, I can make this one into an ornament, if anyone wants it that way. Otherwise, it comes with a stand (but not THIS stand- that’s my work stand.)

I have it up on the etsy store, if anyone wants a jumpstart on their winter festivities.

There’s another egg coming very soon- it’s about 3/4 done, but Im running behind due to being sick.  Hopefully, by Friday,


Here’s the egg at other angles:


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